Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of PROMISE

Psalm 23:3
“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

When fluffy white sheep are tired, they need rest.  Carrying all that heavy wool can be exhausting for them and their relatively little legs.

We people-sheep often need the same consideration.  We can become exhausted in handling all our own “life issues,” not to mention the news and world events.

When the human shepherd offers grass and still waters for his fluffy sheep, given enough time, they will be fully restored and ready to hike to the next field when it’s time.

We people-sheep are more complex in some ways, but OUR Shepherd knows us and knows what we need.  He knows that for our SOUL to be restored it takes not only physical rest but righteous, Godly living for the LORD’s honor and glory.

You see, my perspective is that the LORD tells us things to do in the Scripture that are for HIS glory AND our benefit.  He is our SHEPHERD.  He wants us to be restored, refreshed, recharged, and reset.  He KNOWS what is up ahead around the next bend, and He wants us able to go the distance.

Prayer: LORD, thank You for the promise you make to me here to RESTORE my soul.  I acknowledge that I don’t know what’s up ahead or around the next bend in the road, but I know that YOU do!  So, Lord, restore my soul and lead me for YOUR name’s sake, just as you promised. Amen.
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