Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of PROMISE
40 Days of PROMISE

Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.”
Would you like to see God? If so, Jesus taught here that purity, especially purity of the heart, is the KEY.
And the world in which we live today – one which today seems overwhelmingly to reject God – is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN to push us all into a life of impurity and godlessness.
The good news is, though, that when we first come to Christ, the Spirit of God and the Word of God make us clean spiritually. And then, as we follow Jesus and learn to be obedient to His Word, we start to become pure in body, soul, and spirit too.
These words from Jesus – part of His “Sermon on the Mount” – remind us that if we choose to focus on, grasp, and love ungodly things… how can we look upon a holy God?
In Christ Jesus, the pure of heart behold the Father. We can see Him, His truth, His love, His purpose, His sovereignty, and His covenant character.
Only those who pursue becoming more and more like Jesus can say, as did the Psalmist David, “My eyes are continually towards the Lord” (Psalm 25:15). Only the pure of heart can say, as did Moses, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” (Exodus 33:18). Thus, when we purify our hearts, “We will see Him just as He is.” (1 John 3:2).
Prayer: LORD, I do want to SEE You. Help me to pursue Christ-likeness so that it can be said of me as Jesus said to the crowd, “Blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God.”
Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.”
Would you like to see God? If so, Jesus taught here that purity, especially purity of the heart, is the KEY.
And the world in which we live today – one which today seems overwhelmingly to reject God – is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN to push us all into a life of impurity and godlessness.
The good news is, though, that when we first come to Christ, the Spirit of God and the Word of God make us clean spiritually. And then, as we follow Jesus and learn to be obedient to His Word, we start to become pure in body, soul, and spirit too.
These words from Jesus – part of His “Sermon on the Mount” – remind us that if we choose to focus on, grasp, and love ungodly things… how can we look upon a holy God?
In Christ Jesus, the pure of heart behold the Father. We can see Him, His truth, His love, His purpose, His sovereignty, and His covenant character.
Only those who pursue becoming more and more like Jesus can say, as did the Psalmist David, “My eyes are continually towards the Lord” (Psalm 25:15). Only the pure of heart can say, as did Moses, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” (Exodus 33:18). Thus, when we purify our hearts, “We will see Him just as He is.” (1 John 3:2).
Prayer: LORD, I do want to SEE You. Help me to pursue Christ-likeness so that it can be said of me as Jesus said to the crowd, “Blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God.”
Posted in PROMISE