40 DAYS OF NEW - 37

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of NEW with GOD

Luke 22:19-20
“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’  In the same way, after the supper, he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.’”

As we’ve been learning the past few days, the Old Covenant (the Old Testament) had a specific plan to follow for the forgiveness of their sins. Animal sacrifices – initiated by God Himself in the Garden (Genesis 3) for atonement of Adam and Eve’s sin – w as the first “blood sacrifice” that God required for ALL sins of ALL time. (Why blood? Because that’s what God established… and He’s God and we’re not.)

So the folks under that covenant slew many sheep, lambs, goats, turtle doves, and so on, out of obedience to Father God for the forgiveness of their sins and trespasses.

In today’s verses, though, we are reminded of our “Communion Services” and that they clearly emphasize the New Covenant under which we live. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb once for ALL, and His precious blood needed to be shed only once.

We do communion at our church occasionally, as those who attend know. Some churches do communion weekly, some annually; there is no prescribed right or wrong way to do this, BUT it is important to remember WHY we’re doing WHAT we’re doing and to not gloss over the sacrifice that Jesus provided us under the New Covenant.

Instead of a physical lamb, as in the Old Testament, Jesus was our paschal LAMB under the New Testament, fulfilling the requirement of a perfect Heavenly Father who requires a sacrifice for our sins.
So the next time you take communion, think more deeply and realize the privilege we have of being born under the New Covenant.
Prayer: LORD, thank You for Jesus, the once for all sacrifice for my sins and the sins of all who call on Him.  Amen.
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