40 DAYS OF NEW - 09

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of NEW with GOD
Day 9 | ­A NEW SONG

Psalm 40:1-4
“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord.”

Have you been there? In a very LOW spot in your life and waiting, even crying to the LORD to rescue you? I wonder if you were waiting “patiently” like David says he was here, or perhaps more honestly, “impatiently”?
You see, we ALL need extra help from the LORD occasionally. Like a little child learning to walk needs encouragement and support from his parents, WE need the Lord’s help because of all the “mud and mire” that we seem to find in this life easily.

But David was putting his hope in God. Why? He knew that God had helped him in the past and that he could do it again.

David’s trust in the LORD was again rewarded by the Lord rescuing him from the “pit of despair” and “setting his feet on solid ground.” But God did even more; David said: “He steadied me as I walked along.”

And David’s waiting resulted in God giving him a “NEW SONG” of PRAISE to God!

There are over 300,000 churches across America that include singing in their worship services. Some songs have been around for hundreds of years, some less than a year. Yet I suspect in every case, the writer or writers were inspired to write their song by something that God did… sometime, someplace.

God gave David a “NEW SONG to sing,” and the fact that we have NEW SONGS being written today to praise God is a testament to our God – the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Prayer: LORD God, thank You for the inspiration you give in song. Your creativity has no limits, and music is just one of them. Amen.  
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