40 DAYS OF NEW - 04

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of NEW with GOD

Ezekiel 11:19
“I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.”

The context for this verse is that God promised the Israelites to one day restore them to the land HE had pledged to them and back into a right relationship with Him.

We people are fickle. We can change our minds and direction “on a dime” (as the saying goes). We can be HOT for Christ one week and cool as a cucumber the next.

The Israelites were experiencing similar feelings and changeability. Thus, God told Ezekiel that He was giving them an UNDIVIDED heart and a new SPIRIT within them.  
Have you ever felt that you needed that, an UNDIVIDED heart and a new SPIRIT with YOUR relationship with the LORD? It might not be that you’ve consciously turned your back on Him, but your daily walk with Jesus – if you were honest – could be a LOT better.

Well, since we know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if YOU need that from the Lord, why not ask Him?

One of the KEYS to answered prayer is to pray aligned with the Scriptures. 1 John teaches us that “if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us“ and the Word of God (the Bible) IS God’s will.

So, here at a new year, perhaps now is the time to reengage your walk with the LORD. My recommendations are simple:
 1.  Spend time in God’s word daily.   (The fact that you’re reading this devotional is a GOOD step!)
2.  Spend time in prayer daily.
3.  Attend church.
4.  Ask the LORD for an undivided heart and a new Spirit towards God that we know He wants for all His children.

Prayer: LORD God, I would like this year to be closer to you. Would you please give me that undivided heart and a new spirit? Thank you. Amen.
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