40 Days of Thanks - 27

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

2 Thessalonians 1:3-4
“Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing. We proudly tell God’s other churches about your endurance and faithfulness.”

Most churches have a way of sharing “prayer requests” with others in the church so that they, in turn, can pray for the problem or situation. This might be done via the “old fashioned” Wednesday night prayer meeting, a special prayer gathering, or perhaps a text or email prayer request. This is usually called “intercessory prayer,” where we pray for someone other than ourselves. MInost churches treat this type of prayer seriously and get many involved in praying for the need. And, often, results of those prayers are shared with those who have prayed so that we can rejoice and give thanks.

What caught my attention in today’s verses was that we are to be THANKFUL to God because the “faith [of others in the church] is flourishing and love for one another is growing.” We don’t usually give prayers of thanks to God for that, but we should.

As you ponder this, perhaps it will occur to you – as it did to me – that to see someone’s “faith flourishing and their love for one another growing” is one of the KEY things the LORD wants to see among His people. We should be thankful and commend and encourage others when we see their faith growing!

Little kids in school need encouragement and recognition when they do things right and accomplish something. Even adults in church – fully grown and with many years under their belts – need encouragement and recognition when they show that they are growing in the faith and letting Jesus be the LORD of their lives. So, look around, be attentive, and be thankful and encouraging when you see other churchgoers growing in their faith.

Prayer: LORD, help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit about people around me who are growing in their faith who could use some encouragement and thanks to YOU. Amen.
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