40 Days of Thanks - 03

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Psalm 107:1
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

When they hear "Thanksgiving," most Americans think of that day in November when we traditionally serve turkey and all the trimmings.

And that IS a good day historically and worth celebrating. But for us children of God, THANKSGIVING is something we should do ALL YEAR LONG.

Charles Spurgeon – that famous pastor from the past – wrote: "It is all we can give him, and the least we can give: therefore, let us diligently render to him our thanksgiving. The psalmist is in earnest in the exhortation, hence the use of the interjection "Oh", to intensify his words: let us be at all times thoroughly fervent in the praises of the Lord, both with our lips and with our lives, by thanksgiving and thanks living."

So, let me ask, do YOU think that the LORD is good? Have you experienced His mercy? Are you thankful for that?

I know those may seem like odd questions, but as you are one who reads (or listens) to these devotionals, you have a higher than average interest in your relationship and walk with the LORD. Even so, I know from personal experience how EASY it is to forget to THANK the LORD, especially for His goodness and mercy.

My quick definitions of mercy and grace are:
MERCY – God withholding from us what we DO deserve.
> GRACE – God giving us what we don't deserve.

Our Lord God, Jehovah or YHWY, is a GOOD, PERFECT, and MERCIFUL God. Thus today's verse:  “Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

Prayer: LORD God, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, for your mercy towards me and for being SO Good. Amen.
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