40 Days of PRAYER - 30

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of PRAYER

Psalm 5:1-3
“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.  Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.  My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.”

(Side note: I just HAD to use the KJV with this devotional as I have led many times the worship song based on these verses from the KJV.)

This morning psalm by King David, acknowledges God being THE King and the One to whom we direct our prayers. After all, only the GOD of the universe has the power and ability to answer our prayers. This is also a KEY for when we pray: to remind ourselves – perhaps IN our prayers – of WHO we are praying to and how mighty HE is. (Doing so will strengthen your faith as you pray!)

David asks the LORD to listen to him, “Give ear to my words.”  And given David’s relationship with the Lord, those words make sense.

Now let me ask: How good is your relationship with Almighty God? Can you sincerely and confidently ask HIM to “listen” to your prayers and then answer?

David raised his voice to the Lord “in the morning.” And although praying in the morning is terrific, it’s not the only time that prayers can be lifted to the LORD.

But once his prayers had been prayed, after they had been directed to the LORD, he (David) looked up. (Meaning: he waited expectantly.)

Waiting is NOT something most of us do well. But it is part of praying to Almighty God because only HE knows the best timing and His plans for YOU.

Prayer: LORD, help me to pray, to remember to WHOM I am praying, and to be willing to wait. Help me to pray more like David did here. Amen.
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