40 INSPIRING Days in Ps-Prov - 04

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 INSPIRING Days in Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 3:2-4

“So many are saying, ‘God will never rescue him!’ But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; You are my glory, the one who holds my head high. I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain. (Selah)”
Our parents take care of and protect us when we are very young. As we grow, we learn more and more how to take care of ourselves and rely on them less and less… the natural progression of growing up.

But as adults, we also learn that the world is still an evil place and that there are “bad people” everywhere who want to steal your stuff and are willing to cause bodily harm in the process.

This Psalm, written by David – the shepherd boy turned king – is one in which he shares his theological secret for assurance and peace in the face of adversity. And, we ALL have times when we are also – like David – facing adversity and thus need help with our situation and our emotions of fear, doubt, and worry.

David sees clearly that his LORD God (Yahweh) is his (and our) shield. HE enables David and us not to hide under a rock and cower in fear but to stand upright and confident in the Lord’s protection as our shield.

What are you facing? Let me suggest you look up Psalm 3 in your Bible and read the entire Psalm. Note, too, the interesting word “Selah” in this Psalm. It was apparently a music term like “Interlude” (and the Psalms were sung), and so “Selah” means to PAUSE and REFLECT on what was just sung (or, in your case, just read).

Prayer: LORD God, thank You every day for being my shield. Amen.
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