40 INSPIRING Days in Ps-Prov - 03

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 INSPIRING Days in Psalms & Proverbs
Proverbs 1:7
“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

Today’s Proverb was written by Solomon – arguably the wisest human ever – to his son as a way of helping the son excel and succeed when he followed Solomon as King.

And so here, in the very first Proverb, Solomon puts the priority where he has learned it belongs, on the "FEAR of the LORD."

I’ve talked to MANY who push back on the word FEAR, and I understand. But let me ask: when you are driving and look in your mirror and see a RED LIGHT, do you jump for joy, or are you struck with fear? Now, law officers are there to keep the peace and people safe, and you are probably glad (most of the time) that they are there, right? Well, similarly for the LORD.

I appreciate the police and the Lord (even more), but there is a place for FEAR. For instance, the police can give you a ticket or even arrest you.   But then, even more, the LORD has greater power than that.
Too often, when we are little, we don’t realize the proper protocol required when we apply for a job, try to ask our instructor for an extension, ask our parents to stay up later at home, or so on.

Solomon is teaching his son, and us too, that there is a protocol for receiving what we need from the Lord, too – true knowledge, for instance – and that protocol requires us to realize that HE is God and we are not. He made the world, and we cannot.

Prayer: Lord, You are the all-power Almighty Creator of everything, and I bow and worship You. Amen.
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