Power of 10 - Day 19

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
The POWER of 10

Matthew 16:16
“You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” 

We hear or ask questions every day. Some are routine: "What time is dinner?" "Where's the remote?" "What time will you be home?" "Did you feed the dog?" and so on. Some are more personal and insightful: "What do you think he meant by that?" "How's she doing?” “Why are you moving?" However, some critical questions require thought and insight before answering correctly.

In today's verse, we get to listen in on Jesus, asking two questions of His disciples.
He said, "Who do men say that I am?" (v13).  And the guys answered: "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." (v14). It's not accurate, but it is interesting.

The next question Jesus asked was more important. And I suppose He asked it because He wanted to open a critical teaching for the disciples.

Jesus asked: "But who do you say that I am?" which went straight to the heart of what Jesus' followers believed about Him.

Even today, this is still the MAIN question in life, and we will all be judged by our answer. Daily, we live out our answer to this question by what we believe, say, and do. If we genuinely believe the answer that Peter gave, then it will affect the way we live.

We don't know how much time elapsed between Jesus' question and when one of the disciples answered, but eventually Peter answered and – being Peter – he probably said it boldly: "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."

How bold, direct, and spot-on Peter was in his answer.

How about YOU reading this devotional? Do you believe, proclaim, and live out that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God”?

He is “THE way, THE truth, and THE life, and no one comes to the Father but by [Him].”  (John 14:6)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, YOU are the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior, and I worship and follow You.  Amen.
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