04 - Thanksgiving

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Psalm 136:1
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever."

Today is the fourth Thursday of November, America's traditional Thanksgiving Day.

For many, it will be a day to watch the Macy's Day parade, watch football, and eat and drink too much. For many, it will be a time for families to gather and enjoy this national holiday.

But you might ask, where does THANKSGIVING come into the scene? And for too many, it doesn't… not at all.

But for YOU and me, our verse today reminds us that we are to GIVE THANKS to the one faithful Lord and God, "for He IS GOOD," and "His love endures forever."

Consider all that you have. Even if, compared to other Americans, you seem to not have much… we are VERY blessed compared to the average person on the planet.

But the verse I chose today doesn't depend on "stuff" or on our bank accounts. It depends on the personality of Almighty God, which is… HE IS GOOD. Further, HE IS LOVE, and that love does not have a limit; it ENDURES.

Do you have anything that really ENDURES? How about something that endures FOREVER?

We live in a decaying world and, sadly, it’s getting darker every day. Now, you and I have a choice. We can focus on the decay and the darkness, or we can focus elsewhere. Do you know how we'll feel if we focus on the decay and darkness? Yep, down, depressed, and discouraged.

But if we can get ourselves to DO today's verse, we will start to feel better, encouraged, and UP.

It's a choice, so choose wisely. (And don't forget to PRAY thanks over your meal today.)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank YOU for being so good and loving ALL THE TIME. Amen.
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