02 - Thanksgiving

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
2 Corinthians 2:14
“Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on his own triumphant way and makes our knowledge of him spread throughout the world like a lovely perfume!”

My wife Debbie and I recently returned from a two-week, 3800-mile driving vacation throughout much of the Western US. In order to find our way to many places to which we had never been, we relied on GPS, both the car’s and her iPhone’s.   Additionally – and primarily for my enjoyment – we also got a bevy of paper maps from the Auto Club. They gave us a “big picture” of our trip.

Now, WHY did we use GPS (or maps, like in the old days)? Because they helped us find our way to each of the locations on our journey. The GPS directions were accurate and easy to follow, AND – something a map could never do – gave us real-time traffic and road closures (of which we had both). Without GPS (or a good map), we would never have completed our journey and gotten to all the friends, family, and points of interest as we desired.

Similarly, our LORD God wants to lead each of us. He knows the way. He knows the closures and knows tomorrow, next week, next year, and forever. He is omniscient (He knows all).

So, “Thanks be to GOD who leads us…”

Let me ask: Are you letting Him lead you daily? Are you asking Him for direction and guidance regularly or are you just asking Him for help when you get lost or in a jam?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I do desire You to lead me. Only You know what tomorrow will bring and can lead and guide me the best. I am thankful that I’m one of Your children, and I do desire what You desire: Your guidance and help. Amen.
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