01 - Thanksgiving

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Psalms 100:4-5
“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.  For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” 

More than the holiday, thanksgiving is imperative for Christians.  God calls us to be a thankful people.  And not just around “Turkey Day” (here in America), but ALL year round.

The psalmist David wrote Psalm 100 (which, BTW, was the first Psalm I ever memorized as a kid – and it has stuck with me ever since.  Thus, my fondness for Psalm 100, at least in the King Ames version!)

David painted a picture in this Psalm of a group of people walking to worship the LORD, approaching the gates leading to the courts, and praising and worshiping Him as they march into His courts.
What do you suppose they were saying during their march through the gates and into the courts?  Maybe they were all speaking in unison and praising the Lord together.  But equally possible, each worshipper thanked the LORD for something special and unique He had done for them.  Perhaps comfort during a tough time, recovery from sickness, supplying their needs, or taking away their fear.  The list of possibilities is endless.

This causes me to ask: What are YOU thankful for in YOUR life?  If you were marching towards the courts and entering through the gates… what would be on the tip of your tongue?

The LORD loves us as a family of Christians, but He also loves YOU as an individual.

The challenge for us all – who, by and large, have PLENTY in our lives – is to learn to be thankful to the LORD anyway. He IS our provider! He IS our source!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive me for not being more grateful to You.  When I stop to consider it truly, YOU deserve all my praise and thanksgiving.  Thank YOU for all you’ve done and… continue to do in my life.  Amen.
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