34 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Galatians 6:1-2
“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (NIV)
Being connected to other Believers, such as in a local church, is a blessing AND an obligation.
Being connected is more than singing songs of praise together. It’s more than listening together to a teaching message by the pastor. Being connected is more than just being a member of a local church.
Being connected carries with it an obligation. There are things we need to be prepared to do with and for one another in the Body of Christ.
Paul is teaching here that members within any church body – whether the Galatians or your own local church – are going to be at different places in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Some are going to be more mature in Christ, others, younger.
And like children growing up in a home, parents are there to guide them in and out of situations, give praise, and warn about possible dangers.
Paul is writing to the church at Galatia and giving them a pattern to follow if and when another believer within their church is overcome with sin.
Notice that Paul is saying to “restore” the errant brother or sister. Often today churches will either ignore the trespass or react too harshly. The Greek word here for “restore” is “kataritzo.” This was the Greek medical term for setting a fractured or dislocated bone… to gently restore. That is certainly how I would like my fractured bone treated. The same should be with the believer who is caught in sin… “gently restore.”
Prayer: Lord, help and guide me in this area. It’s sensitive, yet you have given clear instruction too. As you lead me to see where another Believer needs help, help me to “kataritzo” as you lead. Amen.
Galatians 6:1-2
“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (NIV)
Being connected to other Believers, such as in a local church, is a blessing AND an obligation.
Being connected is more than singing songs of praise together. It’s more than listening together to a teaching message by the pastor. Being connected is more than just being a member of a local church.
Being connected carries with it an obligation. There are things we need to be prepared to do with and for one another in the Body of Christ.
Paul is teaching here that members within any church body – whether the Galatians or your own local church – are going to be at different places in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Some are going to be more mature in Christ, others, younger.
And like children growing up in a home, parents are there to guide them in and out of situations, give praise, and warn about possible dangers.
Paul is writing to the church at Galatia and giving them a pattern to follow if and when another believer within their church is overcome with sin.
Notice that Paul is saying to “restore” the errant brother or sister. Often today churches will either ignore the trespass or react too harshly. The Greek word here for “restore” is “kataritzo.” This was the Greek medical term for setting a fractured or dislocated bone… to gently restore. That is certainly how I would like my fractured bone treated. The same should be with the believer who is caught in sin… “gently restore.”
Prayer: Lord, help and guide me in this area. It’s sensitive, yet you have given clear instruction too. As you lead me to see where another Believer needs help, help me to “kataritzo” as you lead. Amen.
Posted in Connecting w/ God