16 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
This is probably the most familiar section of the Bible to people from all walks of life. Believers or non-believers, EVERYONE knows the 23rd Psalm or at least parts of it. I’ve used it in every memorial service I’ve done and quoted it – with emphasis – at the bedside of many a dying person. It is amazing how everyone responds to this psalm.
But as we study the psalm – and in particular its relevance to the topic of “connecting” – we can notice something new.
Saying “The Lord is my shepherd” is declaring our connection to the shepherd. And not just any shepherd, but The Shepherd.
You’ll remember that this psalm was written by King David. He was probably in one of his pensive moods and remembering fondly his boyhood days as a shepherd. He remembered how dependent upon him those sheep were. You’ll remember David telling King Saul that as a shepherd he had killed a lion and a bear in protecting those sheep. For you see, not only are sheep, well… dumb; sheep have very little offensive or defensive capability. Sheep were then, and are now, dependent on their shepherd for their pasture, water, guidance and protection. They are CONNECTED to their shepherd, recognize his voice and trust him to lead them safely to what they need.
So, a question comes to mind: HOW did the sheep become connected to their shepherd? How did they learn to TRUST him? Follow him? Do as he leads them to do?
A shepherd earns that trust and that connection. He spends time with the sheep, talks to them, touches them, and leads them to yummy grass pastures, cool water, and comfortable surroundings.
One book I read – about real shepherds – mentioned that the shepherd typically has a name for each sheep and calls them by name.
Are YOU connected to the Great Shepherd? Can you honestly say, “The Lord is MY shepherd, I shall not want”? Would you like to be able to say that, and mean it?
If you already acknowledge the Lord as your Shepherd… beautiful!
But if not yet… but you’re willing, consider this. Unlike real sheep who have no choice, you and I can choose to be connected to the Great Shepherd (or not). It’s through being “born again” and becoming a child of God.
Think back for a moment to a time when your life was “off the rails.” You were “in the weeds” as they say and you were certainly NOT following the will or plan of the Lord nor accepting His advice as a sheep would his/her shepherd. (Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Paul said it simply: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23)
So, let me ask… is life better now? Did you – way back when – ask the Shepherd to forgive you and cleanse you and make you whole? If not… today might be the day.
Prayer: Lord, I admit that I need YOU to be my Shepherd today and every day. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for cleansing me. Thank you for being my Shepherd and meeting all my needs according to your riches in glory. Amen.
Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
This is probably the most familiar section of the Bible to people from all walks of life. Believers or non-believers, EVERYONE knows the 23rd Psalm or at least parts of it. I’ve used it in every memorial service I’ve done and quoted it – with emphasis – at the bedside of many a dying person. It is amazing how everyone responds to this psalm.
But as we study the psalm – and in particular its relevance to the topic of “connecting” – we can notice something new.
Saying “The Lord is my shepherd” is declaring our connection to the shepherd. And not just any shepherd, but The Shepherd.
You’ll remember that this psalm was written by King David. He was probably in one of his pensive moods and remembering fondly his boyhood days as a shepherd. He remembered how dependent upon him those sheep were. You’ll remember David telling King Saul that as a shepherd he had killed a lion and a bear in protecting those sheep. For you see, not only are sheep, well… dumb; sheep have very little offensive or defensive capability. Sheep were then, and are now, dependent on their shepherd for their pasture, water, guidance and protection. They are CONNECTED to their shepherd, recognize his voice and trust him to lead them safely to what they need.
So, a question comes to mind: HOW did the sheep become connected to their shepherd? How did they learn to TRUST him? Follow him? Do as he leads them to do?
A shepherd earns that trust and that connection. He spends time with the sheep, talks to them, touches them, and leads them to yummy grass pastures, cool water, and comfortable surroundings.
One book I read – about real shepherds – mentioned that the shepherd typically has a name for each sheep and calls them by name.
Are YOU connected to the Great Shepherd? Can you honestly say, “The Lord is MY shepherd, I shall not want”? Would you like to be able to say that, and mean it?
If you already acknowledge the Lord as your Shepherd… beautiful!
But if not yet… but you’re willing, consider this. Unlike real sheep who have no choice, you and I can choose to be connected to the Great Shepherd (or not). It’s through being “born again” and becoming a child of God.
Think back for a moment to a time when your life was “off the rails.” You were “in the weeds” as they say and you were certainly NOT following the will or plan of the Lord nor accepting His advice as a sheep would his/her shepherd. (Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Paul said it simply: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23)
So, let me ask… is life better now? Did you – way back when – ask the Shepherd to forgive you and cleanse you and make you whole? If not… today might be the day.
Prayer: Lord, I admit that I need YOU to be my Shepherd today and every day. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for cleansing me. Thank you for being my Shepherd and meeting all my needs according to your riches in glory. Amen.
Posted in Connecting w/ God