15 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

James 4:8
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
My wife, Debbie, and I have a close connection to one another. We work together, play together, and pray together. We enjoy our kids and grands together and like just spending time with each other. We start each day having coffee together and at the end of each day, relaxing together on the patio is one of our favorite things to do.
But that closeness comes as a result of a choice. A choice made years ago to do the things necessary to stay CLOSE. But it’s a daily choice too. We all know people through the years who have drifted apart due to a lack of care and lack of time spent with one another; talking, growing, sharing life together.
This can be similar – being close or not – to our relationship and our connection to God.
You see, closeness doesn’t happen by osmosis. It doesn’t happen automatically because you’re living under the same roof or you have kids or a bank account in common. Closeness – in our human relationships – is a direct function of the TIME we spend with one another.
The same is true with our relationship with God.
I know many Christians who LOVE God, but don’t spend any time with Him. They may shoot off a quick prayer request when they’re in a jam or facing a problem, but then they don’t LISTEN for God’s response or His thoughts.
So how might we become closer to God?
This verse, written by James – the brother of our Lord Jesus – gives us some direct instruction. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
The AMP Bible says: “Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you.”
The TPT version says: “Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to you.”
You know the old adage: “If you don’t feel close to God, guess who moved?” Are you connecting and drawing near to God every day? Are you purposefully spending quality time with Him?
Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” Are you?
Remember that God SPEAKS to us in two ways… by His Word (the Bible) and by His Spirit. (Remember too that the Spirit of God is the One who led the men to write the Bible in the first place and He will never contradict the Word of God.)
If you want a connection with God that is real and wonderful, you need to do as my wife and I do – spend quality time together EVERY day.
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for being too busy or preoccupied with stuff that really doesn’t matter much, to spend quality time with YOU. Remind me today – when I’m wasting time – that I need to invest time with You. And thank You for being patient with me. Amen.
James 4:8
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
My wife, Debbie, and I have a close connection to one another. We work together, play together, and pray together. We enjoy our kids and grands together and like just spending time with each other. We start each day having coffee together and at the end of each day, relaxing together on the patio is one of our favorite things to do.
But that closeness comes as a result of a choice. A choice made years ago to do the things necessary to stay CLOSE. But it’s a daily choice too. We all know people through the years who have drifted apart due to a lack of care and lack of time spent with one another; talking, growing, sharing life together.
This can be similar – being close or not – to our relationship and our connection to God.
You see, closeness doesn’t happen by osmosis. It doesn’t happen automatically because you’re living under the same roof or you have kids or a bank account in common. Closeness – in our human relationships – is a direct function of the TIME we spend with one another.
The same is true with our relationship with God.
I know many Christians who LOVE God, but don’t spend any time with Him. They may shoot off a quick prayer request when they’re in a jam or facing a problem, but then they don’t LISTEN for God’s response or His thoughts.
So how might we become closer to God?
This verse, written by James – the brother of our Lord Jesus – gives us some direct instruction. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
The AMP Bible says: “Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you.”
The TPT version says: “Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to you.”
You know the old adage: “If you don’t feel close to God, guess who moved?” Are you connecting and drawing near to God every day? Are you purposefully spending quality time with Him?
Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” Are you?
Remember that God SPEAKS to us in two ways… by His Word (the Bible) and by His Spirit. (Remember too that the Spirit of God is the One who led the men to write the Bible in the first place and He will never contradict the Word of God.)
If you want a connection with God that is real and wonderful, you need to do as my wife and I do – spend quality time together EVERY day.
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for being too busy or preoccupied with stuff that really doesn’t matter much, to spend quality time with YOU. Remind me today – when I’m wasting time – that I need to invest time with You. And thank You for being patient with me. Amen.
Posted in Connecting w/ God