06 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Romans 12:4-5
“For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
There are many concepts in the Bible which take some pondering to understand. This might be one of those for you.
The comparison is made between the many parts of our physical bodies which make up just ONE body and the many parts of the spiritual “body of Christ” that also make up just one body. Thus, ANYONE on the planet who is born again, is part of the ONE body of Christ, aka the “church” (which is the people, not the building).
And… if we are part of the “body of Christ,” we are ONE WITH ONE ANOTHER. Paul is teaching here, that we are ONE with each other in Christ. We are not “Baptists” or “Presbyterians” or “Pentecostal” or whatever, we are ONE BODY. We might meet in different places, we might sing different songs, we might dress for church differently, our pastors may dress differently from each other but – IN CHRIST – we are all ONE.
Let that sink in.
As we join the Body of Christ… which we do through the New Birth in Christ (John 3:16, Romans 10:9, John 1:12, Ephesians 2:8-9), we are changed. We are “born again.” (John 3:3, Jesus to Nicodemus, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”)
So at the point of salvation, our sins are forgiven, we are cleansed, we are adopted into God’s Family, we become a “Child of God,” God clothes us with His “Robe of Righteousness,” the Holy Spirit is put within us … and MORE!
All of this because when we truly become connected to God though Jesus the Christ, we are “born again” (or “saved” or “become a Christian” or “become a Follower of Jesus.”)
This is the singular, oats most important step we will ever take… to be born again.
I, like each of you, was BORN into this world as a little baby. About ten years later I was “born again” but only God knew where I would be today. Thankfully, He had a plan! And as God had a plan for my life from the beginning… He has a plan for yours too. Remember! If you’re not dead, you’re not done.
Say YES to God. Say YES to His plan. It all starts with connecting.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the New Birth. Thank You for connecting me to You and to ALL the Believers – past, present and future – around the world. Help me to show LOVE to each one and mostly, to show appreciation to YOU for all you have done and still do for me. Amen.
Romans 12:4-5
“For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
There are many concepts in the Bible which take some pondering to understand. This might be one of those for you.
The comparison is made between the many parts of our physical bodies which make up just ONE body and the many parts of the spiritual “body of Christ” that also make up just one body. Thus, ANYONE on the planet who is born again, is part of the ONE body of Christ, aka the “church” (which is the people, not the building).
And… if we are part of the “body of Christ,” we are ONE WITH ONE ANOTHER. Paul is teaching here, that we are ONE with each other in Christ. We are not “Baptists” or “Presbyterians” or “Pentecostal” or whatever, we are ONE BODY. We might meet in different places, we might sing different songs, we might dress for church differently, our pastors may dress differently from each other but – IN CHRIST – we are all ONE.
Let that sink in.
As we join the Body of Christ… which we do through the New Birth in Christ (John 3:16, Romans 10:9, John 1:12, Ephesians 2:8-9), we are changed. We are “born again.” (John 3:3, Jesus to Nicodemus, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”)
So at the point of salvation, our sins are forgiven, we are cleansed, we are adopted into God’s Family, we become a “Child of God,” God clothes us with His “Robe of Righteousness,” the Holy Spirit is put within us … and MORE!
All of this because when we truly become connected to God though Jesus the Christ, we are “born again” (or “saved” or “become a Christian” or “become a Follower of Jesus.”)
This is the singular, oats most important step we will ever take… to be born again.
I, like each of you, was BORN into this world as a little baby. About ten years later I was “born again” but only God knew where I would be today. Thankfully, He had a plan! And as God had a plan for my life from the beginning… He has a plan for yours too. Remember! If you’re not dead, you’re not done.
Say YES to God. Say YES to His plan. It all starts with connecting.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the New Birth. Thank You for connecting me to You and to ALL the Believers – past, present and future – around the world. Help me to show LOVE to each one and mostly, to show appreciation to YOU for all you have done and still do for me. Amen.
Posted in Connecting w/ God