05 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Psalm 37:3-4
“Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”
Everyone has desires, right?
And if you think you don’t need anything, just watch a few commercials on TV. Professional salespeople design those ads to help you discover that you CAN’T live without this product or that.
The late-night TV “infomercials” are particularly adept at making you want what they are selling and then calling in and ordering. Sadly, I’ve met several people in my life who were almost addicted to the infomercials – and had rooms full of “stuff” and/or credit cards that were OVER their limits to prove their addiction true.
And so… what are the desires of your heart, today? I for one would like to have America return to having honest discussions, debates and exchanges of ideas about the issues we face, rather than just canceling, shouting down or de-platforming anyone you don’t like or agree with.
There is not anything necessarily bad about having DESIRES, but the challenge comes as we determine whether those desires are ultimately GOOD for you to have fulfilled… or not. And who better to help you know that piece of data, than our Almighty, all-knowing, all-wise God.
So back to CONNECTING with God so that HE can give you the “desires of your heart.”
“TRUST IN THE LORD.” Stop worrying. (I can hear some of you say, “Yeah, right.”) So here’s a technique that can help: Remind yourself of ALL that the Lord has done – for you, for others you know and all down through history.
“DO GOOD.” We were made for doing “good works.” We don’t become “born again” by doing good works, but as James says: “Faith without works is dead.”
“DWELL IN THE LAND AND FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS.” We have to live here, at this time in history. We may not like it, but it is where we are – and God knows ALL that’s going on. So we have to dwell here. But, He gives us some help by saying: “Feed on His (God’s) faithfulness.” Don’t despair about all that is going on in the world. Instead, focus on GOD and the blessings HE gives.
Question: What do you focus on? The news? The doomsayers? Or do you CHOOSE your FOCUS? It’s best to focus on the Lord God Almighty, His Word, His people and His plan for YOU! Much more positive, helpful, inspiring and good!
“DELIGHT YOURSELF ALSO IN THE LORD.” Do you ENJOY your time with Him? Spend time in prayer… just talking to Him?
After all of this, your connection will see this promise fulfilled: “AND HE SHALL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART.” (Hint: If you do these two verses, don’t be surprised if your “desires” are augmented at least slightly by the Lord!)
Prayer: Lord, I want to TRUST in You, feed on your faithfulness and delight myself in You. Help me to do find ways to do that daily, and then Lord I know I’ll be ready to receive the desires of my heart from You.
Psalm 37:3-4
“Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”
Everyone has desires, right?
And if you think you don’t need anything, just watch a few commercials on TV. Professional salespeople design those ads to help you discover that you CAN’T live without this product or that.
The late-night TV “infomercials” are particularly adept at making you want what they are selling and then calling in and ordering. Sadly, I’ve met several people in my life who were almost addicted to the infomercials – and had rooms full of “stuff” and/or credit cards that were OVER their limits to prove their addiction true.
And so… what are the desires of your heart, today? I for one would like to have America return to having honest discussions, debates and exchanges of ideas about the issues we face, rather than just canceling, shouting down or de-platforming anyone you don’t like or agree with.
There is not anything necessarily bad about having DESIRES, but the challenge comes as we determine whether those desires are ultimately GOOD for you to have fulfilled… or not. And who better to help you know that piece of data, than our Almighty, all-knowing, all-wise God.
So back to CONNECTING with God so that HE can give you the “desires of your heart.”
“TRUST IN THE LORD.” Stop worrying. (I can hear some of you say, “Yeah, right.”) So here’s a technique that can help: Remind yourself of ALL that the Lord has done – for you, for others you know and all down through history.
“DO GOOD.” We were made for doing “good works.” We don’t become “born again” by doing good works, but as James says: “Faith without works is dead.”
“DWELL IN THE LAND AND FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS.” We have to live here, at this time in history. We may not like it, but it is where we are – and God knows ALL that’s going on. So we have to dwell here. But, He gives us some help by saying: “Feed on His (God’s) faithfulness.” Don’t despair about all that is going on in the world. Instead, focus on GOD and the blessings HE gives.
Question: What do you focus on? The news? The doomsayers? Or do you CHOOSE your FOCUS? It’s best to focus on the Lord God Almighty, His Word, His people and His plan for YOU! Much more positive, helpful, inspiring and good!
“DELIGHT YOURSELF ALSO IN THE LORD.” Do you ENJOY your time with Him? Spend time in prayer… just talking to Him?
After all of this, your connection will see this promise fulfilled: “AND HE SHALL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART.” (Hint: If you do these two verses, don’t be surprised if your “desires” are augmented at least slightly by the Lord!)
Prayer: Lord, I want to TRUST in You, feed on your faithfulness and delight myself in You. Help me to do find ways to do that daily, and then Lord I know I’ll be ready to receive the desires of my heart from You.
Posted in Connecting w/ God