04 - Connecting w/ God
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional

Genesis 6:9
“This is the account of Noah. Noah was a godly man; he was blameless among his contemporaries. He walked with God.” (NET)
So, we’re in the book of Genesis and we come to this verse about Noah. (You remember the story of Noah, right? The ark, the flood and all that?)
Well, I would say that NOAH had a CONNECTION with Almighty God, wouldn’t you? In fact it was so good that only Noah and his family were saved by God during the flood.
So, when I see someone from history (like Noah) or someone today who seems to have (or has had) a real CONNECTION with God, I look for clues as to HOW this came about.
This verse, only 21 words, tells us a lot. You might have to read it again – SLOWLY – to get what’s going on and the CLUES as to how his relationship got so good with God, but they’re there.
First, we see that Noah was a “godly man.”
The Amplified Bible says it this way: “Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God].” That tells me that Noah LIVED his faith in God… it was REAL to him. It certainly wasn’t a “Sunday only” or “Christmas and Easter” only type of faith like many seem to have today.
Secondly, we see that “he was blameless among his contemporaries.” Meaning, he treated everyone fairly and justly. He was an honorable man among his neighbors.
Finally, the conclusion of all of this is that “he walked with God.” The NLT version says it this way: “…and he walked in close fellowship with God.”
The Amplified Bible also tell us: “Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God.”
So that generation was EVIL, yet Noah lived a blameless life (from God’s point of view) AND lived in “habitual fellowship” (or closeness) with Almighty God. Wow!
So, Genesis 6:9 gives us some KEY principles for “walking with God” today; for having a close relationship with the Almighty.
Now let me add – in case you think Noah’s life was perfect and thus beyond what you or I could do today, Noah was NOT perfect. He had flaws. He missed the mark. But when he missed (sinned) he acknowledged it, asked God for forgiveness, made a sacrifice (as required then, but not now), then moved on. A formula that will work for us today too.
Our connection to God suffers when we allow things in our life (or things that come out of our mouths) which are displeasing to the Lord. Noah said YES to God when He called and asked. (Noah, built an ark!) And he walked with God … and he and his family were saved.
Prayer: Lord, I want to walk with You too. Help me to learn from Noah and to make adjustments in my life – as You lead me by Your Spirit. Amen.
Genesis 6:9
“This is the account of Noah. Noah was a godly man; he was blameless among his contemporaries. He walked with God.” (NET)
So, we’re in the book of Genesis and we come to this verse about Noah. (You remember the story of Noah, right? The ark, the flood and all that?)
Well, I would say that NOAH had a CONNECTION with Almighty God, wouldn’t you? In fact it was so good that only Noah and his family were saved by God during the flood.
So, when I see someone from history (like Noah) or someone today who seems to have (or has had) a real CONNECTION with God, I look for clues as to HOW this came about.
This verse, only 21 words, tells us a lot. You might have to read it again – SLOWLY – to get what’s going on and the CLUES as to how his relationship got so good with God, but they’re there.
First, we see that Noah was a “godly man.”
The Amplified Bible says it this way: “Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God].” That tells me that Noah LIVED his faith in God… it was REAL to him. It certainly wasn’t a “Sunday only” or “Christmas and Easter” only type of faith like many seem to have today.
Secondly, we see that “he was blameless among his contemporaries.” Meaning, he treated everyone fairly and justly. He was an honorable man among his neighbors.
Finally, the conclusion of all of this is that “he walked with God.” The NLT version says it this way: “…and he walked in close fellowship with God.”
The Amplified Bible also tell us: “Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God.”
So that generation was EVIL, yet Noah lived a blameless life (from God’s point of view) AND lived in “habitual fellowship” (or closeness) with Almighty God. Wow!
So, Genesis 6:9 gives us some KEY principles for “walking with God” today; for having a close relationship with the Almighty.
Now let me add – in case you think Noah’s life was perfect and thus beyond what you or I could do today, Noah was NOT perfect. He had flaws. He missed the mark. But when he missed (sinned) he acknowledged it, asked God for forgiveness, made a sacrifice (as required then, but not now), then moved on. A formula that will work for us today too.
Our connection to God suffers when we allow things in our life (or things that come out of our mouths) which are displeasing to the Lord. Noah said YES to God when He called and asked. (Noah, built an ark!) And he walked with God … and he and his family were saved.
Prayer: Lord, I want to walk with You too. Help me to learn from Noah and to make adjustments in my life – as You lead me by Your Spirit. Amen.
Posted in Connecting w/ God