Day 4 - 40 Days of JOY

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of JOY

Romans 12:1-2
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters … Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Have you ever taken your car in for a tune-up? In the “old days” cars used to be quite complicated, needing new plugs, points, timing adjustment, and more. (Today, not so much). But the goal of a tune-up is the same: to get the engine running as smoothly as possible. This will give us maximum power, mileage, and pleasure.

Consider this: The LORD wants the same for you and me.  He wants us to “get a tune-up” of sorts.  Here, Paul is talking clearly about “renewing our minds.” For most people, this is a daunting task. But, with God’s help, it is not impossible. As we discussed a couple of days ago, If we ask “anything according to His will” HE (the LORD’s Holy Spirit) it will help it be so.

The LORD wants us to have our minds renewed.  You ask, “WHY? What’s wrong with my mind?”
Really?  Do you have to ask? Well, for most of us, it’s like an untidy garage, junk drawer, or closet. Too much stuff.  Too little thinking about God, His Son Jesus, the Word of God, or the Spirit of God. And thus, less JOY than He intends for His children.

But… God lets us choose. We can follow Him, or not. We can read His Word, or not. We can pray, or not. We can work with Him to renew our minds, or not.  The choice is yours and mine.

Prayer: LORD, my mind is messier than I realize.  Help me to get it “tuned-up,” cleaned out, and pleasing in Your sight.  Please help me to renew my mind. Amen.