Day 27 - 40 Days in the Old Testament

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days in the Old Testament

Ezekiel 2:3-5
"He said: 'son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me; they and their fathers have been in revolt against me to this very day. The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and stubborn. Say to them, "This is what the Sovereign LORD says." And whether they listen or fail to listen—for they are a rebellious house—they will know that a prophet has been among them.'"

When Ezekiel was about 25, he was marched as a captive to Babylon, about 800 miles away. Then, at age 30, God called him to be one of His prophets to the captured and enslaved Israelites in Babylon. God allowed the Israelites to be captured since they had become disobedient and rebellious towards God and had begun to take His blessings for granted.

Ezekiel had a long ministry of teaching the Israelites what it meant that God was with them… His presence and blessings overflow when God's people walk humbly and obediently before God. Conversely, His judgment can be severe when God's people become disobedient, ungrateful, and sinful.
If you had been Ezekiel, how would you have taught the people about these two choices – rebellion or obedience? Punishment or blessing?

Interestingly, despite all the warnings from God's prophets, the Israelites did not believe that God would allow an ungodly nation to conquer them. Of course, they were riding on their past Godly living and turning a blind eye to their current hearts and actions.

Later, Ezekiel wrote about God's merciful offer:
“Put all your rebellion behind you, and find yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O people of Israel? I don't want you to die, says the Sovereign Lord. Turn back and live! (Ezekiel 18:31-32, NLT)

Like the Israelites – who figured they were "God chosen" and thus nothing terrible would ever happen to them – America today seems similar. I pray we repent and turn to God.

Prayer: LORD God, as a nation, we must humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our wicked ways. We need to turn back to you, LORD. Amen.