40 Days of TRUST

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of TRUST
1 Thessalonians 5:18
“In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Giving thanks does not come naturally. From the time we're born, we are self-centered.  A baby cries because they want something. That often continues into the "terrible twos" and, for some, long beyond.

So, how do we do this verse? HOW do we “give thanks in everything”? I think the HOW we do this is: We TRUST GOD.

The problems we face in America today are both unique and not-so-unique. But regardless, we must conclude that we can NOT fix all the problems we see and read about.

 I cannot, by myself, heal the nation. I cannot cause politicians to deal fairly and kindly with one another or those of the other party.  I cannot force those causing problems or acting evilly, to stop.

BUT, I can CAST those cares on Him and trust HIM – the Almighty God – to fix them in His time and in His way.

THEN, I can spend my time thanking HIM for the answer (which IS coming) AND thanking those around me when I see them doing something worth praising, however small or large.

We may be in the midst of a "rainstorm" of sorts, but I can still "sing praises to God in the rain" and be thankful unto Him.
Try it… you'll feel better if you do!

Prayer: LORD, I want to thank YOU that I can CAST all my care on You:  My cares, my family cares, my church cares, my community cares, my state cares, and the nation's cares.  Please fix all those things as You see fit. I'll be obedient to You and thank you in every situation.  Amen.