40 Favorite Scriptures

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 FAVORITE Scriptures

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans to prosper and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future.”

These words were spoken by Jeremiah the prophet to Israel after they had been taken captive by the Babylonians. God was encouraging them though the prophet, that the captivity would be for a time, but not be forever.

Sometimes, we get discouraged too.  Maybe not for a 70-year captivity, but even something of much shorter length can cause us to need encouragement, BIG TIME.

Three things I like remembering about God all the time.  

One is that God is omniscient, which means – HE knows ALL.  

Another is that God is omnipotent, meaning: He is all-powerful.
And one more: God is omnipresent; He is everywhere all the time.  

Thus God knew the captivity would end… and when.

How about with YOU?  I doubt anyone reading (or listening to) this is a captive, but are there some difficult things going on in your life and you wonder if they will end?

I have just finished TEN years as pastor of my church.  And I recall my first message as the new pastor was on THIS verse – Jeremiah 29:11.      I felt led to preach on it, though I didn’t know until much later that it was a good choice (of course, GOD knew that it would be!).  

The reason?  The church was quite small, getting smaller, and running out of money.  I found out later that they had barely enough to keep the doors open and figured they’d be out of business in less than a year.  (That didn’t happen, I’m pleased to report!  Thanks, Lord!)

What are you facing?  God is the same TODAY as He has always been and has a PLAN for you!

Prayer: LORD, thank You for having a plan for me, a plan of HOPE.  I am resting in You. Amen.