40 Days of Encouragement

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of Encouragement
John 16:33
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Yesterday – Sept 11, 2022 – was the 21st anniversary of the remembrance of 9/11.   Since then, the world seems to have become more dangerous, though there have always been "wars and rumors of war" during our lifetimes.

The options today, in terms of what we think about all that we see and hear on the news and in conversations, are to be (1) totally agitated and worried or to (2) find a way to be encouraged and find peace despite the daily news services.

Jesus spoke the words we have today from John 16 to His followers, who were upset back then.

You understand it, of course, but anything that interferes with our lifestyle, plans, or hopes and dreams becomes upsetting and, to some degree, causes us angst.

Jesus knew that problems – even severe tribulation – could happen to His followers. Why? Because they were not of this world. And here's a newsflash for you, as Followers of Jesus today, we're not either. Thus, problems can be expected either directly or all around us.

To that point, Jesus gave an encouraging promise: putting our faith in Him and trusting Him to direct every aspect of our lives can bring us PEACE. And why can Jesus promise that? Because – as the verse concludes – HE has overcome the world. He is God and in Him is the peace that passes all understanding.

Prayer: LORD, many things are going on today, locally, across this nation, and around the world, which are upsetting and worrisome. Lord, I don't want my emotions to be hostages to the news cycle or the evil happening. I now put my trust in YOU, the world overcomer, and I receive Your peace despite the storms. Amen.