40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU
Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU
40 Reasons God DELIGHTS in YOU
Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.”
Sometimes, I ask people, “What are you searching for?” And one of the answers I hear most often is PEACE. It seems universal that everyone wants peace. Peace at home, at work, peace in the neighborhoods, peace in the country and the world.
World War 2 ended with a peace treaty signed on May 8, 1945, in Berlin, Germany, and on the USS Missouri deck in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, putting an end to the most deadly war in the history of the world.
Now, your need for peace today may come from general sources of unrest such as the latest virus, the price of food or gas, or the movement of the stock market or similar. Or… your need for peace may be because of something more personal, such as your health or that of a loved one, or your worry about the situation of someone you care deeply about, or your loneliness, or your worry about something else entirely.
The point is that everyone does – from time to time at least – tend to worry.
And here’s a newsflash… the same God who MADE you, KNOWS you and knows if, when, and about what you worry. He also knows that worry is NOT good for your mental, physical or spiritual health.
Jesus taught us that the thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy. I would also add that that devil comes to fill you with FEAR, DOUBT, and… WORRY.
Jesus came so that we might have LIFE and have it abundantly. Thus, the Lord wants His children to experience FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and – I would add – PEACE.
God is your ONLY reliable source of peace and – as this verse says – “perfect peace,” or as I discovered somewhat recently, “shalom-shalom” in the original Hebrew.
Prayer: LORD, I desire the PERFECT PEACE that You offer me. Help me keep my mind and thoughts on YOU and OFF of all the world news. You are my peace. Amen.
Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.”
Sometimes, I ask people, “What are you searching for?” And one of the answers I hear most often is PEACE. It seems universal that everyone wants peace. Peace at home, at work, peace in the neighborhoods, peace in the country and the world.
World War 2 ended with a peace treaty signed on May 8, 1945, in Berlin, Germany, and on the USS Missouri deck in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, putting an end to the most deadly war in the history of the world.
Now, your need for peace today may come from general sources of unrest such as the latest virus, the price of food or gas, or the movement of the stock market or similar. Or… your need for peace may be because of something more personal, such as your health or that of a loved one, or your worry about the situation of someone you care deeply about, or your loneliness, or your worry about something else entirely.
The point is that everyone does – from time to time at least – tend to worry.
And here’s a newsflash… the same God who MADE you, KNOWS you and knows if, when, and about what you worry. He also knows that worry is NOT good for your mental, physical or spiritual health.
Jesus taught us that the thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy. I would also add that that devil comes to fill you with FEAR, DOUBT, and… WORRY.
Jesus came so that we might have LIFE and have it abundantly. Thus, the Lord wants His children to experience FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and – I would add – PEACE.
God is your ONLY reliable source of peace and – as this verse says – “perfect peace,” or as I discovered somewhat recently, “shalom-shalom” in the original Hebrew.
Prayer: LORD, I desire the PERFECT PEACE that You offer me. Help me keep my mind and thoughts on YOU and OFF of all the world news. You are my peace. Amen.