Four Weeks of ADVENT

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
Four Weeks of ADVENT
Day 3 | THE PROMISE IS GIVEN | Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15
“And I will make enemies of you and the woman, and of your offspring and her Descendant; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.”

The casual reader of Genesis might miss this PROMISE.  But immediately after Adam and Eve sinned and did what God told them NOT to do, God cursed the serpent who tricked them and, in so doing, foretold something – the Birth of Jesus the Christ – that would not happen for nearly 1500 years.

So here’s what was happening…
Satan and his minions (aka demons) were cast OUT of heaven because Satan wanted to replace God as God.  They were thrown to earth by Almighty God and yet were present when Adam and Eve enjoyed living in paradise, aka, the Garden of Eden.  But Satan – who is cunning and clever, caused Eve to doubt, “Did God really say?” and by doing so led her to sin against God.

Next, God disciplines Adam and Eve, provides forgiveness for them (the animal skins), and then pushes them OUT of the Garden to a life much more difficult.

Then, God focuses his wrath on the physical serpent.  He commands the serpent to crawl on his belly for the rest of his days and then – the PROMISE – made to the spiritual serpent, the lying seducer, Satan.  This is the first Good News promise in the Bible.

God is promising that there will be a struggle between Satan and his offspring (followers) and God’s offspring, aka Eve’s “Descendent,” who eventually will be Jesus, the Son of God.

Eventually, Satan will bruise Him (Jesus) on the heel (cause Him to suffer); but Jesus will bruise Satan on the head… delivering a fatal blow to Satan in the future.

Prayer: LORD, thank You for your Divine plan from the earliest of recorded history!  Thank You that we can know you personally through Your Son Jesus.  Amen.