40 DAYS OF NEW - 21

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of NEW with GOD

Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

As I’ve taught for years, I believe these are ten of the most essential words in the Bible. (The same could even be said for just the first FOUR words – “In the beginning, God.”)   If a person has difficulty believing these words, they will often have a tough time believing – as Paul Harvey used to say – “The Rest of the Story,” as explained in the following pages and books of the Bible.
But consider for a minute these ten words AND the entire process of Creation. We believe that before this verse happened, God existed. Some today hold onto the “Big Bang Theory” of Creation, wherein, at some time in the WAY past, two or more particles from somewhere magically appeared and collided and caused “The Big Bang” – a time when all that we know and see now was created.
Of course, the problem with that theory is… where did the two particles come from? How did the “bang” happen?

How could you get two particles out of nothing if nothing existed? Answer: you can’t.
The Big Bang Theory requires a Source, a Creator, a “Big Banger,” if you will. (That would be GOD.)

So, back to Genesis 1:1, do you think God had a plan or a blueprint? Nearly every home that people build today has a PLAN of some sort, and WE are made in the “image of God.”  So, I’m guessing God DID have a plan and that what we see today from Earth, from the Keck telescope (Hawaii) or the Hubble (launched in 1990) or the improved Webb telescope (launched 2021), was preplanned by our all-knowing God, ultimately for OUR benefit (and enjoyment) and His glory. He created it all NEW! Enjoy!

Prayer: LORD, thank You for the marvelous universe you created. You are the most fantastic Creator ever, but of course, You are God. Amen.
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