40 Days of GRACE - 09

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of GRACE

Philemon 1:25
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.”

This little one-chapter book in the New Testament was a private letter from the Apostle Paul to his good friend and fellow Christian, Philemon. It’s a fascinating story where Philemon’s slave, Onesimus – though treated well – has run away (stealing stuff to help him flee a long way.) He runs into Paul, who leads him to Christ and then tells him he must return and set things right with Philemon. But then, Paul sends a letter to Philemon, sharing that Onesimus has now become a follower of Jesus too and that he needs to be treated as a brother and not as he was formerly… a slave. (Today, we would say a domestic worker.)

Then, at the end of this one-chapter book, we read this short blessing or benediction that Paul bestows on Philemon.

Have you ever wondered WHY many pastors close their church services with a benediction? (I do that every week.)

I read somewhere that when we PRAY in church, we are asking our Father in heaven, “Thy Kingdom come.” And with a DOXOLOGY in church, we give glory to the LORD, which He deserves. But the BENEDICTION can raise expectations about the future. What MIGHT God do for you? What CAN He do? What do you THINK HE WANTS to DO for you?

Much like today’s blessing, benedictions set our minds on God and His grace.

WHO in your circle of family or friends could use a joyous, helpful blessing or “benediction” right now? Maybe they need PRAYER; I wouldn’t know. But consider that YOU might be the one to bless them with one, or the other, or both. It need not be long, but I’d encourage you to consider it and share if the circumstances work out. It might just make their DAY or more!

Prayer: LORD, help me to use my words to bless, uplift, and encourage those around me. So many feel down, hurt, discouraged, and who knows what. Help me to be full of Your grace and share that with others. Amen.
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