40 Days of GRACE - 07

Dr Jim Brown's TruNorth Devotional
40 Days of GRACE

Romans 3:23-24
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

I don’t like to admit it – and neither do you – but we all need God’s GRACE. Remember our definition: Grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve.

So why do we ALL need God’s grace? Because we’ve all sinned. (I know that word is unpopular today but then again, I don’t recall it ever being popular).
Although there are some armchair discussions about our word “sin” deriving from an old Greek archery term for “missing the mark,” my research has found no support for that.

Nonetheless, we have all “missed the mark” of living a perfect life in compliance with God’s laws and rules and thus need God’s GRACE and a Savior to receive forgiveness and be born again.

Why is it so hard for most people to admit that they have sinned (against God and probably others) and thus need forgiveness AND a Savior? Why?   PRIDE.

Many today are proud of their accomplishments and don’t feel that they need Jesus (or any other religion either). Most have rationalized that they are OK and that they will make it – if there is a heaven – because they’re WAY better than most people they know.
There it is again: PRIDE.

If this sounds like you, listen up: First of all, God does NOT grade on a curve. Second, this verse teaches that “ALL HAVE SINNED.” Regarding the word “ALL,” … I like to teach that “All means all, and that’s all, all means.”  You (and I) are part of the “ALL” of this verse.
The Gospel (Definition: “Good News”) is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross for ALL of our sins. Yours, mine, the guy-next-door’s, and everyone’s on the planet… past, present and future. He also ROSE from the grave, proving ALL He said was true.

Prayer: LORD, thank You for ALL that You did to show Your grace to me. (If you haven’t yet and want to, pray this prayer). I want to receive you as my Savior right now. Forgive me and thank You for making me “born again” – Amen.
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